A former Campaign, and it will never be forgotten

A Thousand Pictures and a few words

On a gorgeous day in September in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Under the faithful leadership of our own Ian Grove, we shut down a couple of city blocks and held an event called First Fruits.

The idea was to give good use to the abundance of vegetables in the community's gardens. It was an excellent opportunity to give those without gardens fresh, delish produce from those who had gardens.

The nonprofit Union Gospel Mission hosted the event, BAM provided turkey, duck, and chicken, Smithfield Food provided hot dogs, and Elizabeth Anna Music brought a beautiful reminder of how good God is in glorious melody. And, of course, The Grove Projects served as a consultant and very active participant.

Over 1300 people walked through our event, and 900 people (many are homeless) ate until they were full, full, full! Honestly, the food manifested like a Bible story…and somehow, we never ran out!

We’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story!